We All Have Our Own Battles to Fight And It’s Not Always Easy

Rising Creator (Doc JLB, MD)
11 min readDec 9, 2022


We All Have Our Own Battles to Fight

We all have our own battles to fight but some people have more difficult fights than others. In this article, we’ll share with you the biggest struggles in life.

We all fight battles every day. Whether they’re internal or external, some battles are harder than others, but they’re always worth fighting.

It’s not always easy when you’re fighting a battle — especially if things aren’t going as planned or you feel like you’ve hit a dead end. When you encounter tough times, try to remember the good parts about yourself because there are lots of them out there. You don’t have to be perfect to be successful — just keep on trying until you reach your goals.

Take Care Of Yourself First

I know it sounds like a cliché but if you take care of yourself first then everything else will fall into place. If you’re struggling financially, you won’t have enough energy to focus on anything else — so set aside some money every month just for yourself so that you don’t feel guilty about buying treats or going out to dinner. This way, you’ll be free from stress and worry, which will enable you to concentrate on what matters most.

The biggest thing that people struggle with is prioritization. Make sure that you give yourself permission to not always be working — whether it’s by being social once in a while (or maybe not at all!) or taking a break from work and spending quality time with family. Once you’ve given yourself this permission, you’ll find that you have more time and energy to dedicate to what really matters.

When Is The Right Time To Start Fighting For Yourself?

If you don’t fight for yourself, who will? It takes courage to stand up for what you believe in and take charge of your life. But it’s not always easy, especially if you’ve had a tough history as a victim. Sometimes we find ourselves going through our days, feeling like everything is happening to us — and we’re just along for the ride. It doesn’t have to be this way!

Know your human rights in order to fight a battle for yourself. You have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, no matter what you are accused of or how much money you make. You also have the right not to incriminate yourself by answering questions about issues that may never happen.

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Why You Should Never Underestimate Yourself

I’m not always sure why we fall into this trap of thinking we’re not good enough. But I think it stems from our upbringing, where we’re told we should be better than everyone else.

So if we want to change something around us, we tend to blame ourselves first.

I recently heard the following quote from the great writer Ray Bradbury: “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. But it takes even more courage to try to find out who you really were meant to be.”

The truth is, we all have our own battles to fight — and it’s not always easy.

But if we don’t understand this fact, then how will we ever truly overcome them? This is why I am so thankful for those individuals who share their stories because they show us just how far we still have to come to reach our goals in real or digital life.

They inspire me every day to keep pushing past setbacks, face my fears and believe in myself.

How Do I Know If My Battle Is Worth Fights?

If it isn’t worth fighting, then don’t fight it. As we’ve seen, stress is one of those “little things” that add up to big problems down the road. The best way to combat this is by making sure that you’re not letting minor annoyances build into major crises. Take five minutes right now to assess how far gone you may be from being able to deal with life’s little challenges without getting stressed out.

In general, you don’t know if your battle is worth fighting unless you try it first. There are many people who have fought battles they never thought they would fight successfully. Your journey may look different than theirs because of where you start.

What about that little voice inside you that says “I just don’t know if this battle really matters”? Well, it does matter because it’s another way we all define ourselves. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today! The first step is recognizing that we’re not alone…

Find The Right Way To React — When You Feel Stuck In A Rut

There will always be moments in real or digital life when we feel stuck in a rut. Whether it be at home, school, work, or social situations, these feelings of inertia are part of our daily lives; so why should it matter if we’re in a slump or not? Well, it does matter because we all have our own battles to fight — and it’s not always easy.

If you feel stuck in a rut, it may be because you’re not sure what to do next. This doesn’t mean you aren’t capable of making changes; it just means you might need some guidance from someone who has gone through it before. If this sounds like something you could benefit from, find a therapist or counselor who specializes in helping people deal with emotional issues.

If you’re feeling stuck, it may help to think about what others would say if they were talking to you in person instead of reading online. You might realize that your situation isn’t as bad as you thought (or as bad as someone else may make it seem). Or maybe you’ll feel guilty for being so hard on yourself.

Take Control Of Yourself When Things Go Wrong

Don’t let yourself become a victim of stress — we all have our own battles to fight, but it doesn’t mean they’re going to win! Know what you want, know why you want it, and then keep pushing forward toward achieving it. If things don’t go the way you expected, just move on and try again.

Some frustrated and angry people find it particularly hard to deal with negative emotions when they’re struggling with mental health problems. It helps to understand that everyone has feelings, thoughts, and memories that we would prefer not to think about. It’s okay to feel sad or angry; however if you become so upset that you lose control of yourself, seek help from someone who knows how to help you.

Consider on a daily basis that the first step in recovery is realizing that one battle cannot be won alone. In fact, it may not ever be completely won. But if we fight our battles in tandem with each other, the odds change dramatically. If we join forces and defeat the same enemy together, then maybe we will win!

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Be Assertive Instead Of Submissive

If we want healthy relationships, we must take responsibility for our actions. This means being honest and direct at all times. No one else will ever take this burden off us.

We will never know if someone loves us unless we show them, love, first. We will never know if they appreciate us unless we stop taking things for granted. We will not see what others think of us unless we ask for feedback. People may say mean things to hurt us because they don’t like who we are, but that doesn’t mean we should let them walk all over us.

No matter where we find ourselves, we owe it to ourselves to take charge of our lives. Don’t wait around for another person to change before you start changing yourself. Take control of your real or digital life today!

Know That You Can Win Any Battle Against Yourself

There will always be people who try to sabotage us, whether they’re family members or friends. They’ll say things like “You’ll never recover” or “It’s not worth it.” But we all know that those words aren’t true if we choose to believe them. If you want to change something, you must first decide that you won’t allow yourself to fail.

Then, you can take action toward your goal, knowing that every step you take forward gives you a better chance at reaching your ultimate goal. Know where you stand and those basic rights.

There will always be struggles we face in life. Sometimes those struggles are internal — like dealing with our self-doubts, fears, anxiety, and depression. Other times they’re external — like finding ourselves at odds with others, struggling to manage stress, or finding balance within relationships.

But, regardless of where they surface, it’s important to know that we all fight against ourselves every day. In fact, many people spend far too much energy trying to overcome what comes naturally and instead should focus on using that energy positively.

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Remember That Fighting Is Good For You

The ability to fight your way through challenges gives you strength and helps you overcome adversity. But fighting too often may cause damage to your body.

If you ever feel like it would be easier to give up than fight, remember this. As long as we keep fighting our battles, we’re still growing stronger each day.

By fighting our battles, we develop strength, resilience, and courage.

It’s important to fight those battles with love. Fights will always hurt and it’s normal for them to leave us feeling drained, weak, and upset. It’s important to take care of ourselves during this hard time.

Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them,” as Maya Angelou once said. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed with stress on a daily basis — and it might seem like everyone around you is too — you should take some time to think about what you would want to tell your younger self if she were sitting right next to you now.

The answer might surprise you. No matter what happens, keep going forward! Even if you fail, you’ve still got a lot to gain from trying. And failing at something doesn’t mean you’re doomed to failure forever. In fact, you’ll end up with lots of experience under your belt.

Focus On Your Strengths Instead Of Blaming Others

Some people will try anything to gain attention. They might complain about you behind your back, gossip about you at school or work, spread rumors in your digital life, or even bully you. If this happens on a daily basis, it could leave you feeling hopeless and helpless.

If we don’t focus on our strengths, it will become harder to accept ourselves and others around us. As the saying goes, “We all have our own battles to fight.” So why not take this opportunity to better understand yourself by focusing on what you love instead of beating yourself up because you didn’t turn out exactly as everyone else did?

Some people struggle at times to focus, whether it’s because they’re distracted by anxiety or too busy to take their minds off things. To tackle this problem head-on, I recommend making a list of all the positive aspects of yourself. This will boost your self-esteem and give you something else to think about rather than all the negative thoughts that might otherwise eat away at you.

Be Willing To Change Your Real or Digital Life

Just because someone else has it figured out doesn’t mean they’re right. If the advice isn’t working for them, then maybe it’s time for them to try something different. There will always be another way to achieve your goals, but it might take some experimentation to find them.

If you stick with it long enough, it will change your life — but not necessarily in the way you expect. I like to call this “the power of positive thinking.” The idea behind it is that if we keep telling ourselves something is true, then eventually our brains start to believe it.

This might sound silly, but I want people to know you don’t always have to go into battle alone. There are plenty of resources available to help you stay positive throughout the process.

Changing habits takes dedication and commitment. No one has it easy. But what if we could change our environment so that they didn’t have to?

What if we could take away the things that distract us from being healthy? The thing we all struggle with most is willpower.

Learn From Mistakes

Everyone has their own battles to fight — whether it’s mental health, financial stress, or relationship problems — but we also all have our own personal struggles and failures along the way that don’t always come easy. In some cases, they may take years to overcome.

I’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way. While it was difficult at first, I learned from each one and kept moving forward. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re not getting fast results right away. I’ve been fighting life difficulties. It took me almost 5 years before I saw measurable changes in my life. Just keep trying!

While everyone goes through ups and downs in life, we all have our struggles at one point or another. The trick is being able to acknowledge them and move past them, instead of letting them hold us back.

After any big life event, we all want to forget our mistakes, but it’s important to remember them. If we don’t learn from them, they could become costly again if we repeat the same mistake. Learning from your mistakes will not only improve your relationships with people close to you but may also influence future choices and decisions. So take responsibility for your actions, accept your faults, apologize, forgive yourself, and move forward.

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Win Your Battle Through Relentless Drive

Relentless Drive was created through years of real-life experiences. The goal of Relentless Drive is to provide powerful strategies and tools to help people learn how to overcome their fears and become resilient. Relentless Drive provides individuals with practical tools they can use in their day-to-day lives.

Experience your best day yet. This unique blend of science and inspiration helps cultivate the mental toughness it takes to succeed despite what life throws at you. Whether you’re facing a major career milestone or just trying to build momentum along the way, Relentless Drive can give you the push you need to get there.

This Ebook is for you:

  • Not only endure hardship but flourish from it.
  • Have the mindset to be able to see an opportunity in any obstacle.
  • Being prepared for everything life throws at you will help you deal with those unexpected situations in an easy way.
  • Never let down your guard even if things get tough.
  • Grow a positive environment for yourself and others.
  • Be happy regardless of all the things that might be going wrong in your day.
  • Be open to change no matter what the circumstances may be.
  • Practice persistence and use it to boost your productivity.
  • Create habits that help you develop strong mental resolve and become resilient.
  • Don’t let your fears get in the way of moving forward.

Final Thoughts

No one ever said that life was easy because we all have our own battles to fight. It’s hard sometimes to appreciate all that others have had to go through.

If you want to understand what motivates people to take action, look no further than your own experience. I’m sure most of us can think of someone we consider our hero — someone who has fought similar battles in life and won.

They may be a friend, family member, mentor, colleague, bosses, or even a celebrity. Maybe they were born with special qualities that allowed them to overcome obstacles others didn’t see coming. No matter who they are, when one person stands up against adversity and wins, everyone else sees success.

A lot of people try to emulate those heroes; some succeed, but most don’t. Why? Because it takes courage, knowledge, luck, timing, faith, passion, and more (all traits that come down to personal choice). So, if we all had the same background and skillset, why aren’t we all successful? What gives us the edge?



Rising Creator (Doc JLB, MD)
Rising Creator (Doc JLB, MD)

Written by Rising Creator (Doc JLB, MD)

Digital Creator | Life Coach | Blogger | Writer | Surgeon

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